Sleep Wave System
How to Use Guide
A Revolutionary, Never Used Before Design to Make Sleep Easy Again
Sleep Wave Set Up Video Guide
Follow the steps in this video for guidance in setting up your Sleep Wave System. The video shows the installation of the Travel Size System. The same process works for the Fitted System, the only difference is that you would fit the fitted cover over your mattress, as a fitted sheet.
How do you use Sleep Wave?
This easy-to-use sleep system comprises of a Sleep Wave device that sits on a flat surface on the side of your bed, such as a nightstand, and connects to the Sleep Wave fitted or travel pad that is positioned on your mattress. The controller is switched on at bedtime and turned off on awakening.

The Sleep Wave System consists of a FITTED PAD, made to the mattress size, that integrates the patented System within it. The fitted design secures the system in the correct position on your bed.

The Sleep Wave Travel Size consists of a TRAVEL PAD that integrates the patented System within it. The pad design makes it easier to use the pad in different locations. It should be placed under the existing sheets.
Both, the Sleep Wave System and the Sleep Wave Travel Size contain the same technology integrated within them and both provide exactly the same options and benefits. The only difference between them is the format. The Sleep Wave System fits securely on your mattress, while the travel size pad represents a smaller version, as an option for those that travel a significant amount and would like to bring the system with them.
What Will You Receive
When you purchase one of our systems, you will receive five items that you will use to setup the system and get started in your journey for better sleep and wellness:

Item 1
One Sleep Wave Fitted or Travel Pad, depending on your choice.

Item 2
One Sleep Wave Controller to operate either the fitted or travel pad.

Item 3
One power cord to connect the controller to the power source.

Item 4
One controller cable to connect the controller to the fitted or travel pad.

Item 5
A Sleep Wave Operating Guide to help you setup and use your system.
Simply follow the set up instructions in the provided Operating Guide to start enjoying your new system and welcome better sleep back into your life.

Operating the Sleep Wave Controller
Step 1. Turn the Controller on by pressing the Power button. A blue light will come on indicating that the Controller is on.
Step 2. Turn the System on by pressing the Play/Pause button. A purple light will come on indicating that the System is ready to use.
Note 1: The light is a gentle light to prevent disturbing your sleep. You might have to look closely to see when the light is blue or purple.
Note 2: We recommend you to pause the system should you leave your bed for over 10 minutes during your sleep period. Simply press the Play/Pause button when you get up and press the Play/Pause button again when you return to bed, to reset the system.
Step 3. Upon awakening, turn the System off by pressing the Power button and the light will go off.
Settings Guide
Sleep Wave comes with four output levels. We recommend to start with Level One during the first 60-nights to allow the body get used to the system.
After 60 consecutive nights of use, we recommend to increase to Level Two. If you feel any discomfort, you can always go back to Level One and allow more time for your body to adjust.
After a further 90 consecutive nights in Level Two, you can go ahead and increase to Level Three.
Level Four is not used for sleep management overnight. Use Level Four only for 30 – 40 minutes during day time for a boost in energy. Do not expect to sleep when using Level Four.
For more details, please download the Operating Guide:

Sleep Wave Set Up and Operation
If you need help setting up or operating your Sleep Wave System, please send us a message and we will get back to you shortly.